Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hepatitis Tests For Baby Boomers

Hepatitis Tests For Baby Boomers
The Centers For Disease Control is recommending all baby boomers get tested for the Hepatitis C. Why get tested? Well, Hepatitis C can be carried for years without someone knowing that they have the disease. It can be the result of long forgotten behaviors such as a blood transfusion prior to the blood supply being tested or drug use in college. 
Hepatitis C slowly scars the tissue of the liver creating damage the longer it goes undetected. Recently their have been some new drugs have been found that are seventy percent effective in treating Hepatitis C. Prior drug regimens were only 20 to 30 percent effective in treating Hepatitis C and this leads to a widespread demand for liver transplant surgery throughout the United States. So it's very important to get tested. 
Will You Get Tested For Hepatitis C
     So, knowing the dangers and the benefits of finding out the results will you get tested for Hepatitis C if your doctor reccomends it? I know that I will be in line to get tested. If you will or will not let me know in the comments section.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

B of A Doing Principal Reductions For Many Homeowners

Bank of America Principal Reduction 
     Due to the recent settlement with the federal government over the robo signings. Many of the banks are having to revisit some of their policies on foreclosures. One such bank is Bank of America. They are taking the unprecedented step of providing principal reduction to their customers. So if you have a Bank of America loan product then you may benefit from this principal reduction on your mortgage. 
Bird Houses / 20071230.10D.46705 / SML by See-ming Lee 李思明 SMLWhat is The Bank of America Principal Reduction?
     Bank of America is simply reducing the amount of outstanding principal that the homeowner owes the bank from current amount owed to one hundred percent of today's value. Bank of America is saying that the average will be about $100,000.00 for the average homeowner. Wow, that's a lot of money that will not longer be owed by the average homeowner. Think what that will do for your net worth. Retirement might actually start to look affordable again if you actually meet the criteria for this principal reduction.
What are the Criteria For Bank of America Principal Reduction?
     The criteria for Bank of America principal reduction are pretty simple. Let's see if you qualify.
  • This must be a primary residence. So, no investors here. This is for homeowners that actually live in their homes.
  • Your loan must be serviced by Bank of America. That doesn't mean that you originally got your mortgage from them but if through all the bank restructuring and buying and selling of loans your loan ended up being serviced by Bank of America then you may qualify.
  • This is the big one you must be at least 60 days delinquent on your mortgage as of January 31st.
     So, those are the rules if you qualify for this program you should take advantage of it. To see if you qualify call Band of America at 877-488-7814.
Principal Reduction Controversy 
     There is a lot of controversy surrounding the whole principal reduction program or even the idea of principal reduction. A lot of people are asking, hey they have all these programs for people who didn't pay their bills what about the people who are current on their mortgages. I agree with those sentiments but I also agree with holding these banks accountable for some of the things they did wrong during this whole financial crisis. Another part of the controversy is what is this going to do to home values? Is it going to lower home prices by a huge amount because basically not much will be owed on them anymore? I say no because home prices are all ready low and a lot is owed on them. I believe that it could actually raise home prices by giving people money to actually go out and buy a house instead of paying their very high rent compared to the lower mortgage payments on homes. So, e will see what it does with home prices but I believe it could stimulate some buying in the market. So that's the controversy surrounding these plans but the reason B of A and other banks are having to do this, because let's face it they are not doing because they want to is because of the whole robo signing deal. Where they were taking advantage of people. So, if you qualify for this program take advantage of it.
Bird Houses / 20071230.10D.46705 / SML, a photo by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML on Flickr.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wells Fargo Loan Modifications and Refinancing

Building castles in Spain by Esther GibbonsWells Fargo Loan Modifications and Refinancing
     It seems that Wells Fargo Bank and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage are finally stepping up to the plate to help some of their customers through this housing crisis. They seem to have some new programs to help out some homeowners that need the help. Either by refinancing you to today's lower rates or getting you into the new HARP program and doing a modification on your loan. Now no matter how you feel about it and let me tell you I definitely have some strong feelings about this whole ordeal. I have strong feelings about the banks being bailed out and then their top executives getting huge raises while their company stock values plummeted. At least it seems like Wells Fargo is starting to do some loan modifications and refinancing.

Wells Fargo Mortgage 
Wells Fargo Mortgage has been making calls over the last two weeks to their mortgage holders that have underwater mortgages. Then they try to get them to refinance at the current market rate. For no cost out of pocket. No closing costs, no points, Nada. The only cost is a ten dollar notary fee. That has got to be the cheapest refinance you have ever done. This is a really great deal. It's basically if you have an underwater mortgage and you are current on your payments for the last twelve months which is pretty cool since this is the first deal that I have seen for people who are current on their mortgage. Usually you have to be behind on your mortgage at least three months before they will talk to you. For me this deal will not work out since my mortgage is on a rental property but if your mortgage is held by Wells Fargo Mortgage and it's owner occupied and you are current on your payments for the last twelve months you should be good to go on this deal.  

Wells Fargo Mortgage Assistance
     Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is starting to hold two day workshops. Starting in the San Francisco Bay Area. They are called Home Preservation Workshops. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage specialists will try to help people hold onto their homes. These specialist expect to try to help approximately 11,000 people with their mortgage problems. Last time they did one of these workshops about two out of three people who showed up for the workshops were able to have some type of fix for their mortgage. They will accomplish this either through the type of program above where they refinance the home for today's rates at no cost or the HARP programs which offers mortgage payment of twenty one percent of their monthly income. Also in some cases they are offering some customer new 40 year mortgages. In some cases these new loans or longer mortgages will not be able to help the customer out. However this is a sign that the big banks are trying to do more than just take your house and sell it for whatever they can get for it. Which is a really good sign.

  Building castles in Spain, a photo by Esther Gibbons on Flickr.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Is Here Time To Plant Your Garden

tomato sans aqua by Darwin BellSpring Is Here Time To Plant Your Garden
     The days are finally starting to get a little longer and definitely warmer especially here on the west coast where it seems that winter must have past us by. Every year at this time of year I start thinking about what I'm going to do in the garden. What am I going to grow that will be different than last year. So now that spring is here it's time to get ready to plant the garden. 

Raised Bed Gardening
Personally this is how I plant my garden in raised beds in the backyard. I have several to keep me busy throughout the summer months. These consist of boxes made of wood that I have filled with mulch. I much prefer this type of gardening now to the large half acre that we had when I was a kid. When your a kid though you really don't mind bending so far over to pull the weeds but as you get a little older then it helps to have these raised beds so you don't have to bend over so far. Especially for people with bad backs or other problems like that. Depending on your location though and how much space you have in your yard will determine what type of gardening you would like to do.
Container Gardening
 Container Gardening is really great for people who have very little space in their yard or they really don't want to grow that many plants so they don't need a whole raised bed but a couple of wine barrels cut in half with two or three tomatoe plants and some cucumbers thrown in for good measure and they have a pretty good little garden that takes up very little space in their yard or even on thier balcony if that's what you have. My grandmother always had a regular garden but then she had a container garden that consisted of some old tires filled with mulch. One of the things you need to watch out for with container gardening is the plants will generally need a little more water than normal since the container is exposed to the outside air and it gets a little hotter especially if you live where it's hot. So give those container plants plenty of water.
 If any for that matter. Some people's idea of gardening is going to the local grocery produce aisle and that is good too. I have so many great fruits and vegetables to try to grow that way. 
My Plan
So that's my plan to get my garden going hopefully this week or next before it starts to get really hot out. Do you plan to have a garden this year? If so what do you like to grow in it?    
 tomato sans aqua, a photo by Darwin Bell on Flickr.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Age Related Macular Degeneration

What is Age Related Macular Degeneration?
     Age Related Macular Degeneration often times known as AMD is very common in people over the age of 65. I know that's pretty much the middle of the baby boomers retirement age right. Well, taking care of your eyesight is a very important matter as we age. AMD is one of the number one causes of loss of eyesight for those over the age of 65. This is not your typical thing where you just need glasses to read this is more serious damage to the retinal cells of the eyes. That can actually blind you in the central part of your vision that is so important for driving and reading. Hey which of us wants to depend on someone else for driving us around? Not me, for sure that would be giving up too much independence. What can you do. There are two types of AMD dry AMD which is the most common and it is caused by deteriorating tissue that builds up slowly over the years around the macula which is part of your retina. As this tissue builds up slowly you lose you vision. Then there is wet AMD that is actually caused by a growth of blood vessels under and around your retina which leak blood. This blood and other fluid damages the retinal tissues and kills the retinal cells slowly over time. There were two studies done the AREDS and AREDS 2 that is still ongoing by the National Eye Institute on the effects of high doses of vitamins on AMD and Cataracts. If you are at risk for these diseases you may consider taking these supplements but only with your doctors consent. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new supplement as they may not go with some other med you are taking. The Supplement is put out by Bausch + Lomb and it's called Ocuvite Preservision. So if your doctor is on board you might want to give it a try and see if you get some relieve from AMD symptoms. I think we all have a lot of worst fears as we age and losing our sight or ability to drive is one of them.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Save Money With Amazon Coupon Codes

Save Money With Amazon Coupon Codes
     We have probably all shopped at first for books and then for pretty much everything under the sun right. But as we are looking towards retirement amazon has always been a nice way to save a few dollars. Sure you had to pay for shipping but they had a really good deal where you didn't have to pay for the tax. Most states are now enacting laws to make us pay taxes on everything we purchase on so that little loophole is slowly disappearing for us all. But now there are Amazon Coupon Codes.
Amazon Coupon Codes
     Amazon Coupon Codes are codes that you put in during checkout that are just as good as having a coupon but you don't have to cut anything out of the newspaper. So during the checkout procedure on one of the last questions before checkout is, do you have any coupon codes and there will be a little box to type in your code. So how do you get Amazon Coupon Codes? How do you get anything nowadays? Simple right, you Google it that's how ask any 8 year old they can tell you. So before you make your purchase you simply Google Amazon Coupon Codes and some websites will pop up that have the daily codes and when you are checking out of Amazon you put in the code and you save money either directly on the purchase or you get free shipping or whatever. So next time you are buying a gift on try getting a coupon code on Google first let me know if this saves you some money. If you like this post please five it a Facebook like or a Google +1

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Get In Shape

Boomers Get In Shape
     A lot of boomers here are in very good shape but a lot could do a little better in the workout department. Now were not talking about doing 100 push ups and running 5 miles before breakfast like you may have done when you were twenty years old to get in shape. This is not about keeping up with twenty year olds anymore this is about keeping our hearts and our bodies healthy and in shape and giving us a way to get out in the world and be social. Because humans are social animals and we need that social aspect to our lives. Somewhere they say, I know who are they? But, they do that people with friends and support live longer happier lives.
     There are a lot of different  types of workouts that you can do to keep yourself in shape. It all depends on where you are starting at. Now if you haven't been off the couch in a year and have just decided it's time to get off the couch and start with a workout, congratulations that is the first step. But, your first workout might only be to start walking a little ways maybe only around the block at first. We are only taking baby steps here. Then after a few weeks of that  you will want to do around the block twice. So on and so on. For those of you that have been doing a regular workout program you know the different things that you can do but don't forget to throw some change into your workout routine. Just to mix things up. You can workout with some of those workout bands that provide resistance. Resistance Bands are practically a workout machine in themselves you can do almost all types of workouts with them. You name it you can do it with resistance bands.  Step Classes, these classes are in a group and you simply step up and down on a plastic step that's made for the purpose to music. Now I'm kind of challenged when it comes to having any kind of dance technique and that definitely showed when I actually took a step class. Also, I thought oh this is for the ladies and it will be so easy. Man was I ever wrong. I was huffing and puffing like you wouldn't believe. I definitely recommend it. It is a good cardio exercise. If you are a man don't be surprised if those ladies don't show you up a couple of times. Plates was originally designed as a way for dancers to stretch and man does it ever teach you to stretch out. It also makes you very limber. I recommend it.
Workout Machines
Elliptical machines and exercise bikes are very good ways to get aerobic exercise without the jarring and knee injuries common in running and other sports of that nature so they are very popular with the boomer population. As with the other exercises start small and work up to a longer program.
Why Boomers Should Workout
     Why boomers should workout well for all the reasons listed above in the first paragraph. For the social aspect of working out and the fitness aspect not to mention that the goal is to live a longer healthier life. But, also we are all living longer and since 50 is the new 40 and 60 is the new 50 everyone wants to look their best. Not to mention if you are in shape you can still catch the eye of the guy or girl across the way. I don't think that feeling ever goes away. So there are many reasons boomers should workout. If you know someone who is sitting on the couch invite them to the gym next time you go. The worst ones are the guys, especially who just retired for some reason they haven't figured out what to do with themselves yet.
Ask Your Dr. First
     Before starting any type of new workout program you should get the okay from your physician. Since I am not your Doctor I can not make personal recommendations for your own health care situation you should check with your own physician.
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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boomerang Kids How To Handle Yours

What is a Boomerang Kid?
boomerang kids     The term boomerang kid was coined because it's about kids that after they go out into the workforce or off to college they return home to live with mom and dad. So much like a boomerang you throw them out into the world and back they come. Sometimes over and over. Hopefully not for your sake or theirs but sometimes. If your child is coming back from college to live with you then maybe this will make this time a little less stressful for everyone involved.
Why Do Boomerang Kids Move Back Home?
     If you were anything like me when you go out of your parents house be it to college, the military or a job somewhere, the last thing you wanted to do was move back in with mom and dad. Am I right about that? I mean come on we had all the freedom we wanted we could come and go as we pleased with no one telling us what to do or when to do it. Besides maybe Uncle Sam.
     The reason many boomerang kids are moving back home now is the economy. The unemployment rate is very high in general but for kids that are just out of college age it is much higher. Some economists put it at upwards of 18% or so. So that is one reason they are moving home in droves. Also since so many are moving home now it's kind of acceptable to their peer groups. If you or I had moved home with our parents we would have been made fun of by our freinds but for your son or daughter many of their friends have done the same thing so it's okay. One other reason kids are moving home is lifestyle. The lifestyle you provide at your home is definitely much nicer than the one they can afford to provide themselves on their own salary if they do have a job. Think about it. I'm sure mom might still do their laundry and cook some or all of their meals and clean up for them. Not to mention giving them some cash when they are short or helping to pay for student loans. Then there are just the housing conditions look at the size and possibly location of your home compared to the small apartment they live in. Our kids are very entitled and dont' realize all the costs of running a home. Others still move home due to relationship problems where the other spouse or was the breadwinner.

Set Some Expectations and Rules
     The best way for all of you to survive this experience is to set some expectations and rules for your boomerang child. They can be simple but remember this is not a child anymore they are your child but they are adults.
Expectations for Boomerang Kids
  • Pay Rent - whatever is appropriate and near market rate for a one bedroom at least. Even if you save all the money and give it back to them when they move out at least they save room in their budget so they can afford rent. If they don't have the bill then they will just spend the money and they will never be able to afford rent.
  • They Have To Follow The Rules of The House - As far as having people over and smoking drinking partying that type of thing. You may be surprised how much your child has changed since going away to college.
  • They Need To Cook Some Meals and Clean Their Toilets - if it's too easy at mom and dad's they will never leave. Heck if I lived at a hotel that provided free room service and I could leave a mess every morning that would be cleaned up by the maid I would never leave either
  • This is Not Open Ended - So they can stay only for six months or a year or whatever you decide that they need to get back on their feet and you need to stick to it.
These guidelines will help to make this change in living situation better for all of you. Just remember to put a time limit on it that way if it's not working out you always think to yourself hey it's only one more month to go.
     Try to steer clear of giving your adult child cash or paying their bills this could really derail your plans for your own retirement. Think about it they have years and years to plan and fund a retirement but you are coming down to the wire and your adult children can unknowingly derail years of careful planning and saving. So good luck to you and your family as you go through this time. Also try to enjoy it as well because it is kind of a good thing to see how your child has grown up. Some of it you will be so impressed by. Always remember they economy will get better and it will no longer be cool to live with mom and dad.
     If you know someone going through this please forward this too them. If this post helps you through this transition please Facebook like or Google +1 it, thank you. 

Boomerang, a photo by Mundoo on Flickr.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012 IRA Contribution Limits and Rules

2012 IRA Contribution Limits and Rules
     The 2012 IRA Contribution limits have changed quite a bit since last year. Not in how much the limits are but in how they are calculated if you meet certain criteria. Most people will be the same as last year since there was basically zero inflation. However if you get a defined benefit pension from work or some type of 457 plan or 403b plan then you may have a partial  IRA deduction.
2012 IRA Contribution Limits If Covered By A Retirement Plan

Filing Status                            Full Deduction           Phase Out              No Deduction               Single Head of Household       $58,000.00 or less        $58,000-68,000      $68,000.00 
Married Filing Jointly               $92,000.00 or less        $92000-$112000    $112,000.00 or more
Married Filing Separately                                              Less than $10,000   $10,000 or more

2012 IRA Contribution Limits If Not Covered By A Retirement Plan
Filing Status                             Full Deduction            Phase Out      No Deduction
Single Head of Household         no limit                        no limit           no limit
Married Filing Jointly                no Limit                       no Limit         no Limit
Married Filing Jointly Spouse                                         less than          $10,000 or more
Covered                                                                            $10,000                           
Contribution Limits
     The typical contribution limits are $5,000.00 if you did not reach the age of 50 before the end of the year. If however you did reach the age of 50 before the end of the year then there is an additional catch up provision of $1,000.00 to help you as the name implies catch up with your retirement since we didn't have all these fancy 401k's and IRAs and things for all these years.
So as you can see this is all a little different than it was before but it's basically just the a different way to do the same old thing. So take advantage of your IRA it's still a good deal and it's something that goes away if you don't use it you lose it. So definitely use it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Airline Rules Make Prices More Transparent

We All Love A Cheap Flight
Baby Boomer Vacation
     We all love a cheap flight. Say flying from Los Angeles to Las Vegas for $39.00. It's okay I know you love it too. Heck, we all love it. It sounds so good. But then we find out how many extra charges they tack onto the price of that ticket. There is an Airport Passenger and Facility Charges fee up to $18.00, Federal Segment Fees of $3.70 per segment (which is takeoffs and landings), Sept. 11 Fees of $2.50 per Segment. So as you can see that Airline Ticket doesn't really cost you $39.00.
     British Airways is notorious for this they are typically the cheapest flight to Europe about $600.00 but when you add in all the fees it actually costs about $1200.00. So maybe not the cheapest deal in town.
The New Airline Rules
     The new airline rules basically say that all the fees will be put into the advertised price of the ticket. So that $39.00 cheap ticket you got and were so happy about is going away, and what it's being replaced by is an advertised price based in reality. So it may be advertised as $79.00 but that is all you will pay. Pretty good deal right? I think so. Isn't truth in advertising great? I think in the long run this could cause some of the airlines to have to lower some of these fees in order to compete. As long as these fees were in the dark and they could spring them on you at the last minute you would still buy the ticket since you couldn't compare them. But now you can compare apples to apples. In the long run this will be good for travelers.
Airlines Must Notify You of Changes To Flight Times
     Airlines must notify you when your flight has been cancelled or is delayed due to weather or for whatever reason. They must notify you using whatever method possible be that text, phone call, email however possible so that you are not at the airport for three hours waiting for a plane that won't come. If they fail to do that they will be fined. These are all good steps in protecting passengers. I think this is a good start. What do you think? Reply with your thoughts in the comments. If you like what you read here please follow this blog or give it a +1.
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