Sunday, February 26, 2012

Spring Is Here Time To Plant Your Garden

tomato sans aqua by Darwin BellSpring Is Here Time To Plant Your Garden
     The days are finally starting to get a little longer and definitely warmer especially here on the west coast where it seems that winter must have past us by. Every year at this time of year I start thinking about what I'm going to do in the garden. What am I going to grow that will be different than last year. So now that spring is here it's time to get ready to plant the garden. 

Raised Bed Gardening
Personally this is how I plant my garden in raised beds in the backyard. I have several to keep me busy throughout the summer months. These consist of boxes made of wood that I have filled with mulch. I much prefer this type of gardening now to the large half acre that we had when I was a kid. When your a kid though you really don't mind bending so far over to pull the weeds but as you get a little older then it helps to have these raised beds so you don't have to bend over so far. Especially for people with bad backs or other problems like that. Depending on your location though and how much space you have in your yard will determine what type of gardening you would like to do.
Container Gardening
 Container Gardening is really great for people who have very little space in their yard or they really don't want to grow that many plants so they don't need a whole raised bed but a couple of wine barrels cut in half with two or three tomatoe plants and some cucumbers thrown in for good measure and they have a pretty good little garden that takes up very little space in their yard or even on thier balcony if that's what you have. My grandmother always had a regular garden but then she had a container garden that consisted of some old tires filled with mulch. One of the things you need to watch out for with container gardening is the plants will generally need a little more water than normal since the container is exposed to the outside air and it gets a little hotter especially if you live where it's hot. So give those container plants plenty of water.
 If any for that matter. Some people's idea of gardening is going to the local grocery produce aisle and that is good too. I have so many great fruits and vegetables to try to grow that way. 
My Plan
So that's my plan to get my garden going hopefully this week or next before it starts to get really hot out. Do you plan to have a garden this year? If so what do you like to grow in it?    
 tomato sans aqua, a photo by Darwin Bell on Flickr.

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